Deputy Prime Minister Visits LoomTex

LoomTex was honoured to host The Hon Richard Marles, Deputy Prime Minister of Australia and Minister for Defence, at their weaving mill and dyehouse in Geelong on Friday 19 April.

L to R. Samantha Van Zyl (CEO LoomTex), Hon Richard Marles, Carolyn Patterson (part owner Instyle), Genelle Coghlan (MD Colan Australia) and Michael Fitzsimons (MD Instyle).

As LoomTex’s local Member of Parliament, the Deputy Prime Minister visited LoomTex to see their manufacturing capabilities and show support for Australian manufacturers. This comes at a significant time, after the Government’s recent announcement for “A future made in Australia” policy to protect sovereign manufacturing capabilities.

Australia’s future woven in Geelong

LoomTex is a rarity as one of the few woollen mills in Australia. LoomTex manufactures a wide range of textiles with applications for commercial and residential interiors, apparel and technical areas such as Defence, Aerospace and Fire & Emergency Services.

With a vision to become the country’s most innovative and sustainable textile manufacturing facility, LoomTex is investing in people and equipment that align with that vision.

The manufacturer has recently upgraded their gas boiler to reduce its environmental footprint and improve energy efficiency resulting in a nett reduction to energy costs of 450%. Pleasingly, the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water has supported this initiative with an energy efficiency grant. This is the first of many upgrades planned for the LoomTex manufacturing facility.


Mud to Marle at Kirribilli House


Energy Efficiency Grant Received